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Exchange comparables and property details with other real estate professionals.

About is a real estate data and comparables exchange program designed specifically for real estate valuers in Kenya. It provides a platform where valuers can access comprehensive data on property comparables to aid in their valuation processes. offers real estate valuers access to a vast database of property comparables, enabling them to make more accurate and informed valuations. By utilizing this data exchange program, valuers can streamline their valuation processes and improve the reliability of their assessments.

The data on is sourced from multiple channels to ensure comprehensiveness and accuracy. Firstly, it is crowd-sourced from real estate valuers and estate agents who are members of the platform, providing firsthand insights into property transactions. Additionally, our team conducts independent on-the-ground research to gather data on actual selling prices, further enriching the database with reliable information. This multi-sourced approach ensures that users have access to a diverse range of data points for their valuation needs.

Yes, the data on is sourced from reputable sources and undergoes rigorous validation processes to ensure accuracy and timeliness. Users can trust that the information provided on the platform is reliable and reflective of current market conditions.

At, we take data security and confidentiality seriously. We employ industry-standard encryption protocols and robust security measures to safeguard user data. Additionally, access to sensitive information is strictly controlled to prevent unauthorized access.

Yes, is designed to be accessible on various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Whether you're in the office or on the go, you can conveniently access the platform to retrieve property comparables and perform valuations.

Getting started with is easy! Simply sign up for an account on our website and explore the features and functionalities available to real estate valuers. If you have any questions or need assistance, our customer support team is here to help you every step of the way.

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